
Start Up

New owners receive an intensive, 3-week, hands-on training program at CCI HQ, that shapes your skills and abilities to perform the CCI services. This covers everything from learning how to mix colors and doing leather repairs to business startup, marketing and accounting procedures.

In addition, a CCI field representative will spend 1-week with you around the time your business commences operations to help get you started and to obtain accounts and have you start making money that very first week!


We are only a phone call away for on-going support. However, we will provide you with periodic field visits and encourage you to attend our regional/annual seminars to stay up to date on the latest technology.


All of our products are water based and environmentally safe for use in our applications. We take great pride in ensuring that each owner is properly trained on our safety procedures and that you have the most current MSDS-(Material Safety Data Sheets) on all of our products. These MSDS are also accessible from our On-Line Communication and Support Center 24-hours a day.